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Hip Mobility

Ref: G005

Tags: Hip mobility, hip stiffness

Expiry: 90 days

These 5 stretches are designed to increase general hip mobility.


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Ref: LH001 / Psoas
Body Zone / Leg / Hip

Hip flexor, psoas, groin


This stretch targets the psoas muscle specifically. It is a great stretch for runners.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: LH009 / Piriformis
Body Zone / Leg / Hip

Piriformis, gemelli, external hip rotators


This stretch targets the external hip rotators in 90 degrees of hip flexion. Specifically the piriformis and gemelli muscles.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: LH030 / Hamstring / Gluteal Warm Up
Body Zone / Leg / Hip

Hamstring, warm up hamstring, gluteal warm up, running warm up. Leg swings.


This stretch provides the best way to warm up the gluteal group prior to running. It also partially warms up the hamstring - however refer to LH029 for a specific hamstring warm up.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: LH034 / Hip Mobilisation (side)
Body Zone / Leg / Hip

Gluteal, quadratus lumborum, piriformis, gemelli, tensor fascia latae, adductors, gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus, warm up, running, hip, pelvis, mobility


This stretch can be used as part of a hip warm up, targeting the medial and lateral muscles of the hip.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: LH035 / Hip / Spine Warm Up
Body Zone / Leg / Hip

Gluteal, warm up, hamstring, psoas, rectus femoris, hip joint, leg, running


This stretch provides a general warm up for the hips and spine.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles

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