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Ref: SPORT014

Tags: Rowing, push/pull motion

Expiry: 90 days
These stretches have been specifically designed to aid the rower in injury prevention and increase performance.

Videos Included

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Ref: SL006 / Psoas
Body Zone / Spine / Lumbars

Psoas, groin, hip flexor, running power arc


This stretch targets the psoas muscle specifically. It is a great stretch for runners.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: AS009 / Latissimus Dorsi
Body Zone / Arm / Shoulder

Shoulder mobility, kyphosis, posture, computer, latissimus dorsi, squat range of motion.


This stretch specifically targets the latissimus dorsi muscle.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: LH012 / Iliotibial Band (roller)
Body Zone / Leg / Hip

Tensor Fascia Latae, Iliotibial Band, lateral knee pain, running knee pain, cycling knee pain.


This stretch utilises a roller and targets the iliotibial band of the hip.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: AS011 / Posterior Deltoid
Body Zone / Arm / Shoulder

Shoulder mobility, computer, posture, posterior deltoid.


This stretch specifically targets the posterior deltoid muscle.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: AE002 / Forearm Flexors (advanced)
Body Zone / Arm / Elbow

Flexor carpi ulnaris, Flexor carpi radialis, computer, RSI, forearm pain, carpal tunnel, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis


This stretch specifically targets the forearm flexor muscles. It is a good exercise for people who spend extended periods of time typing.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: AE004 / Forearm Extensors (long)
Body Zone / Arm / Elbow

Extensor Digiti minimi, extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, RSI, carpal tunnel, forearm pain.


This stretch specifically targets the long forearm extensor muscles. It is a good exercise for people who spend extended periods of time typing.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: SP002 / Gluteal / Sciatic Nerve
Body Zone / Spine / Pelvis / Abdominals

Gluteus maximus, gluteal minimus, gluteal medius, gemelli, sciatic nerve, pelvis, hip mobility


This is a great stretch targeting the gluteal muscles and sciatic nerve.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles
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Ref: SL001 / Erectae Spinae
Body Zone / Spine / Lumbars

Increased lordosis, back pain, facet joint, low back stretch, erectae spinae


This stretch targets the erectae spinae muscles of the whole spine. This is great for opening up the lower lumbar facet joints.

Target Muscles
Target Muscles

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